God Cares for Those in Ukrainian Warzones
In January, some of our ServeNow colleagues visited refugees, Roma families and soldiers from Ukraine’s warzone, where people are being killed every day. The team gave out Christmas presents and Ukrainian New Testaments and shared the Gospel.
None of the soldiers refused the New Testament, or said they already had a copy. They wanted to know about God and were very open to prayer.
A few weeks after the visit, this area suffered a heavy attack, wounding and killing soldiers and civilians.
Millions have been displaced by the war. For example, the population of Irpin, a city in Northern Ukraine, has increased by 150%. When our team visited, they gave children cuddly toys, with a solar-powered speaker inside, that tells Bible stories.
We’re going to invite some of the children to the ServeNow summer camps hosted in Ukraine. They provide a safe place for refugee, orphaned, disabled and impoverished children to simply be kids. These camps are filled with crafts, games, activities, Bible teaching and plenty of hugs! Many leave, knowing Jesus as a friend who will always be with them.
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