Miracle on Christmas Day 2016


Last year a unique evangelistic event took place in Lahore, Pakistan. A Christmas parade of 15,000–20,000 Christians marched through the streets of Lahore, including 10,000 men dressed up as Santa Claus. They gave out thousands of Christmas presents, highlighting the spirit of Christmas, among them the Jesus Film DVDs and Christian literature. The parade ended with a powerful prayer manifestation for the country, where they erected a large Christmas star and proclaimed that Jesus is the Prince of Peace.

In preparation for this event, church leaders gathered from across the country and held a night of prayer to intercede for their country. Christians, young and old, came from all over the country. Despite the very hostile climate against Christians in Pakistan, on this day the believers were able to publically share their faith in Jesus.

Pastor Salomo at RAPHA Mission, one of the organisers of the event, said: “Pakistan is a difficult country to live in. When you leave your house in the morning, you don’t know if you will return. Terrorism has escalated here.” Thankfully, this event had been promised full security by the police and army.

… and Christmas Day 2017?

This year another parade is planned for Christmas Day and RAPHA Mission have asked us to supply 200,000 copies of The King (illustrated Gospel of Mark for teens) in Urdu. This book will be given to children, youth and families during the Christmas parade. This is truly a unique opportunity to share the Good News in Pakistan, as normally Christians would hesitate to be open about their faith in Jesus, even with their neighbours whom they have known for many years. They fear betrayal and the dire consequences they would face from the Muslim community. But this event allows the Gospel to be presented and even to be taken home, in the form of a book, for families to read again and again in the safety of their own homes.

Would you like to participate in this Christmas miracle? One book costs US$ 0.65 / £0.50 / €0.55