Etsijät löytävät Yeshuan!

Tapasimme kristityn johtajan, Victorin, jonka kanssa olemme tehneet yhteistyötä monen vuoden ajan. Olemme lähettäneet hänelle ja hänen tiimilleen kymmeniä tuhansia kristillisiä kirjoja, joita he käyttävät evankelioidessaan ja kertoessaan Jumalan rakkaudesta kaduilla...

New Testaments on their way to Uganda!  

There is a tremendous need for the Word of God and teaching material in Uganda. Many believers are still without their own copy of the Bible! We have known about this need for some time but have not had the means to help… until now! This year God made a way for us to...

Bedouin Muslim girls boldly ask for a Bible

Another place, where MediaServe have provided Scriptures, is a Bible shop in southern Israel. It’s a beautiful place where everyone is welcome and all literature is given free of charge.  Whilst visiting the shop, two Bedouin Muslim girls, covered from  head to...

Seekers find Yeshua!

We met with a Christian leader, Victor, whom we have worked with for many years. We have provided tens of thousands of Scriptures for Victor and his team who are regularly out on the streets, all over the Land, sharing the love of God. He also runs a book shop where...