Every year, 50,000 Israelis travel to Goa, India to relax and find peace. Andrew and Lavanya, a young Indian family, are building friendships with countless Israelis and
sharing their faith in Yeshua. They used to run a cafe on the beach, which became quite the hang out for hundreds of Israelis. Now they host weekly Shabbat meals in their home. On one occasion as many as 60 Israelis came for a meal! Andrew told us: Every Shabbat we pray for Israel and share our faith in Yeshua. This is usually followed by a one or two-hour discussion about Yeshua! They ask why they should believe, argue why not to believe, what the rabbis say, etc. In the end we offer them all a Hebrew copy of “The Prophets Speak” as a gift, so that they themselves can learn from their own Scriptures. It’s not uncommon to see them sitting in our house reading the Scriptures. One Israeli said, Why are you so special? Another said, When we go around the world, we are afraid. But when we come to you, we feel so safe and secure here. One Jewish man heard the testimony of one of our team members to which he said, I am jealous of you! Listening to Andrew and Lavanya, it is easy to grasp how young Israelis are being impacted by the love shown to them. And many, perhaps for the first time, are hearing about Yeshua their Messiah! It’s our privilege to supply them with The Prophets Speak.