Sharing the Good News with children and youth
Many of the countries where MediaServe is actively working have a very young population. In India, for example, more than 50% of the population is under the age of 25. Reaching the children and youth with the Gospel is key! It is known that nearly 90% of those who come to Christ do so before the age of 19! Time and again, we hear of how parents have been reached with the Gospel through their children. Parents may be illiterate, but the children are going to school, and they read the Scripture to their parents. Through the children, whole families are coming to Christ!
During the last two years, MediaServe has provided 433,000 of The King (illustrated Gospel of Mark) in ten languages. These were given to rural churches in Pakistan, India, Burma, China, Nepal and Ukraine. These churches organize summer camps, clubs and Sunday School for children, many of whom come from non-Christian families.
A 13-year-old girl finds comfort in Jesus
Three years ago, I lost my father. I felt all alone and depressed. I was attending Sunday school, but I was not happy because of my family’s situation. One Sunday, I received The King. I started to read it and was touched when I realized that there is someone who loves me more than the father I had lost. This book helped me to understand God’s love, and I received hope. Now I also want to enter the Kingdom of Jesus, to receive true love, joy, peace and care like my earthly father had given. I was able to overcome my sorrow and discouragement and understood that Jesus will be a King to me forever and make my future secure. Right now, I am staying with my mother in a village, and I am attending Sunday school. I am also very active in my secular school. I want to grow more in the love of God, and I also want to serve my King in the any way I can.
Children in Myanmar find Jesus
- An 11-year-old girl told us: Jesus died on the cross for my sin! I am so impressed. I want to share this message with my friends in school!
- An orphan girl was so upset with her tragic life, but when she read The King, she said: I now have the King of Kings with me all the time, and I am so touched by the Lord Jesus Christ! I am very encouraged by this message. After I read this book, I started to get concerned for other people. I want to share my experience with others. Please give me another copy.
- After reading about how the paralyzed man in The King was healed, I received faith that I too can be healed, and Jesus miraculously healed me. I am now sharing my testimony with others!
- When I read about Jesus in The King about how he calmed the storm, I am no longer afraid of the storms when they come. Now I can trust in Jesus! (In Myanmar they have heavy monsoon rains and storms that cause havoc in the country).