Praise the Lord Who Answers Our Prayers
Thank you so much for standing with us in prayer. Our mission would be impossible without our prayer partners!
Israel: 5,000 copies of the Star of David Bible have been delivered in Israel and will be given to Messianic congregations.
Burma: The Burmese Bibles have safely arrived in Burma – 50,000 in total!
Europe: Resources written in Farsi are ready! Please pray for more good connections with churches across Europe, that God will use His Word to change lives at each location to which they’re delivered. We also need prayer for our Farsi New Testament proofreaders and for inspiration for those designing culturally relevant book covers.
Please Pray for These Projects
Ukraine: Please pray for all those who were ministered to through the ServeNow team, and especially for soldiers and families directly affected by the war. ServeNow is providing food and firewood for families in this area.
India and Pakistan: We are planning to print The King for children and young people in India and Pakistan but still need the funds. We also need to print enough copies of The King for the summer camps. Please pray for the money to print these books as they’ve touched so many children’s hearts.
China: Scriptures have been printed in Chinese but we are facing logistical challenges. Please pray for wisdom and solutions.