The small country of Israel is less than 30,000 square km and has a population of just over 7 million people. Israel’s greatest recourse is its people. Israel has produced a number of great scalars! 22% of all Nobel Prize winners were of Jewish ancestry. Surrounded by Arab nations, Israel fights for its existence! Israel remains in the spotlight and will remain so until the end!
There are around 148,000 Christians in Israel including all denominations and historic churches. There are over 150 Messianic congregations in the Land and 15,000 Messianic Jews of which 60% speak Russian as their first language. The immigration of Jews from former USSR has had a huge impact on the growth of Messianic congregations.
It is unknown how many Jews there are in the world although a conservative figure is 14.5 million. It is estimated there could be more than 100,000 Jews worldwide who are connected to a Messianic congregation. They live mainly in North America as well as Russia, Ukraine and the UK.
In the beginning of the 90’s MediaServe started reaching out to Jewish people with the message of God’s love and salvation through faith in Yeshua. Upto now, MediaServe has provided over half a million Star of David Bibles in the Russian language and more than 100,000 of these have gone to congregations in Israel. Jews who might never have picked up a black Bible with a cross, have now read and understood God’s living Word! Jews have understood God’s promises to them as a people and nation, but most of all, they have come to know Yeshua (Jesus) as their Messiah. The Prophets Speak, a spin-off of this Bible, is now in nine languages and has found its way to some very interesting places.

Dear MediaServe,
We want to thank you so much for your years of blessing Israel with the Russian Star of David hardback Bibles. Over the years, because of God’s provision through you, we have given out well over 10,000 of these Bibles. There is a spiritual hunger for God’s Word amongst the Russian speaking Jews of Israel. Praise God for your participation in meeting this need. The hardback Star of David Bible in Russian is particularly well liked by the Russian speakers here. I think it is for several reasons. The cover is appealing and very Jewish. Also, the font is bigger because of the size of the Bible. Russians value books, and they especially value the Word of God. Out of all the different types of Bibles we’ve tried to give away, the one that they consistently like and want is yours. Lives of Jews and Gentiles are being changed here in Israel through the Word of God. Thanks again for co-laboring with us in this great work.
A Hebrew speaking couple in their sixties just asked us for a copy of “The Prophets Speak” in Hebrew. They were excited to receive it, and are very interested in reading what the prophets say about Israel in the Tanach. This is an important step on their journey to know Messiah. There are many people in Israel on this journey. Please continue to pray that God will use the books and His people to draw Israeli’s back to Himself. Thanks so much for your blessing Israel with these great resources.