God certainly has not forgotten the people of Burma! One hundred years ago Burma was one of the richest countries in Asia but half a century of brutal military rule has made it one of the poorest in the world. Today, 26% of the people live below the poverty line. Control was a part of everyday life and it has to some degree shaped the mindset of the people. But today, with a new government in place, life is starting to change. Business and wealth are starting to pour in, but this is also a time of unprecedented openness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Church leaders in Burma put a lot of emphasis on prayer and how that has brought about the change they see today. There used to be much conflict and division between church leaders, but in 2005 these leaders sensed a need for united prayer and started a national prayer network. They began to pray for change and a stop to the oppression. One leader told us: “Because of oppression, poverty, and hardships the churches became united.”

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
Due to the restrictions of the past, there is a huge need for Bibles and evangelistic literature in Burma. We could hardly believe the quantities they requested: 100,000 Bibles and one million copies each of “The Secret of True Life” evangelistic booklet and “The King” (Gospel of Mark for teens)! As a response to this need, MediaServe worked extensively on a new edition of the Burmese Bible, targeted for a specific group. A special cover designed and other features developed so as to better suit the cultural context. The other two books requested are now continuously being provided in the Burmese language.
“Thank you, MediaServe, for your great help for us! You empower us so we can accomplish the task in Myanmar.”
“After reading about how the paralyzed man in “The King” was healed (Mark 2) I received faith that I too can be healed and Jesus miraculously healed me. I am now sharing my testimony with others!”
“I now have the King of Kings with me all the time and I am so touched by the Lord Jesus Christ! I am so encouraged by the message. After I read this book I started to get so concerned for other people. I want to share my experience with others. Please give me another copy.”
“When I read about Jesus in “The King” and how he calmed the storm, I am no longer afraid of the storms when they come. Now I can trust in Jesus!”
“Jesus died on the cross for my sin! I am so impressed. I want to share this message with my friends in school.”