Viimeisten kolmen vuoden aikana MediaServe on vienyt 270 000 Uutta Testamenttia ja muuta evankeliointiin ja opetuslapseuttamiseen tarvittavaa materiaalia Nepalin seurakunnille. Viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana seurakunta Nepalissa on kasvanut valtavasti. 1960-luvulla...
I have not gone to bible school but have done some basic Bible training, but when I read “The Gate to Life” it helped me understand the depth of the Scriptures. I am using this book in our house fellowships. “The Gate to Life” helps me to preach my sermons in the...
Many Christians in Nepal are first and second-generation believers, coming from Hindu and Buddhist families. Teaching the Bible is vital for them to grow and mature in the Lord and also to help them to stand against false teaching. MediaServe has provided 25,000...
270,000 New Testaments and tools for evangelism and discipleship to churches in Nepal. A phenomenal church growth has taken place in Nepal over the past decades. In the late 60’s there were only a few hundred believers. Christmas services were held in the forest!...
Det er et enormt behov for Guds Ord og undervisningsmateriell i Uganda. Mange troende mangler fremdeles sin egen Bibel! Vi har kjent til dette behovet en tid, men har ikke hatt mulighet til å hjelpe ….. helt til nå! I år gav Gud oss mulighet til å trykke 25 000...
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