ETHIOPIA: Where Revival has crossed the Starting Line

ETHIOPIA: Where Revival has crossed the Starting Line You know revival has crossed the starting line when Scripture is boldly displayed in the windows of taxis and minibuses on the streets! One of our co-workers at the Beit Shalom Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s...

INDIA: The Secret is Out

INDIA: The Secret is Out Some areas of India are steeped in ancient history and myths. In a certain city in India, once or twice a week, the churches sing and preach on the streets while giving out The Secret of True Life booklet to passers-by and distributing to...

UKRAINE: The Star of David Bible

UKRAINE: The Star of David Bible MediaServe’s Bible for Russian-speaking Jewish people, with its beautiful Star of David illustration on the cover, continues to be very well received. We’re often told how Jews treasure it and read it to their families. Sometimes this...

INDIA: Peoples’ lives change when God answers prayers

INDIA: Peoples’ lives change when God answers prayers Kavitha lives in a village in the eastern part of India. By the time Pastor Sunil met her, she was ill and had become very weak. Her husband had taken her to several doctors, but to no avail. They also wanted a...

UNNAMED COUNTRY: Brave Christians thank supporters

UNNAMED COUNTRY: Brave Christians thank supporters Some of our partners work in countries where Christian activities are severely restricted and believers are risking unjust treatment. We provide them tools for the harvest! The books referred to below are: New...

NEPAL: Hindus are loving the Scriptures

NEPAL: Hindus are loving the Scriptures Our partners in Nepal received 5,100 New Testaments, 12,500 of The King and 25,000 The Secret of True Life booklets and this is what happened: Many Hindus eagerly received the New Testaments. One man was grateful to get The...