
Where the Need is Greatest

MediaServe works around the world in a variety of ways according to the need, with the goal of seeing lives transformed by God’s love and Word. If you believe in the mission of MediaServe and would like to make a donation, giving to the general fund (Where the Need is Greatest) aides the most in fulfilling our vision and mission, it allows MediaServe to be more flexible in focusing on whatever is most pressing at the time.

Alternatively, if your heart is drawn towards a particular country/region, we encourage you to donate towards that cause.

To donate via Paypal or debit/credit card:

You may also donate via the QR code:

Other ways of giving

MediaServe is actively working in several countries. If you would like to give to the general fund for the work being done there, click on a country flag below to learn more information:

Karisma Farledenin

IBAN: FI62 4055 8720 0171 68
Referensnummer: 1012

Euro Account in United Kingdom
Bank: Natwest
IBAN: GB81 NWBK 6072 0360 7807 70



Or via our bank account:

PlusGiro: 88196-1
Kontonamn: MediaServe


Our bank account:
Account no: 58031774
Sort code: 60-21-40
Account name: MediaServe
NatWest Bank: 24-30 The Parade, Swindon, SN1 1BA
IBAN: GB65 NWBK 6021 4058 0317 74

TAXPAYERS IN THE UK, we can reclaim tax on your gift if you use this form – Gift aid form

By cheque:
All cheques payable to MediaServe
MediaServe, P.O. Box 4148, Swindon, SN2 9JR

Bank i Sverige
Nordea Bank Sweden / MediaServe
IBAN: SE09 9500 0099 6042 0088 1961

Vi er i gang med å åpne en bankkonto i Norge. Du vil få nærmere informasjon.


In the US, you can give through CoLink via the below two options:

By Check:
Payable to CoLink
memo line: Acct #615
PO Box 82188
Kenmore, WA 98028
Please do not write MediaServe’s name anywhere on the check.

By Bank’s Bill-Pay Services:
Payable to CoLink
Enter: Acct #615
Phone 206-795-5988
Please enter only the account number #615, not MediaServe’s name.
(Recurring monthly gifts can be set up in Bill Pay)

You will receive a tax deductible receipt for all of your annual contributions in late January following year.


In Canada, you can give through Action International Ministries Corp.

Cheques payable to Action International Ministries
or via Credit Card

Cheques – send to:
Action International Ministries
3015A 21st NE, Calgary T2E 7T1
Phone: (403) 204-1421

You will receive a tax deductible receipt for your gift.