How you can support MediaServe
USD bank account
Account name: MediaServe
Natwest Bank: 24-30 The Parade, Swindon, SN1 1BA
IBAN: GB72 NWBK 6073 0160 7807 54 (USD)
FOR TAX-DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPTS IN CANADA: In Canada, you can give through Action International Ministries Corp. Please see information under Action Canada. You will receive a tax deductible receipt for your gift.
UK bank account (£)
Account no: 58031774
Sort code: 60-21-40
Account name: MediaServe
NatWest Bank: 24-30 The Parade, Swindon, SN1 1BA
IBAN: GB65 NWBK 6021 4058 0317 74
FOR TAX-DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPTS IN CANADA: In Canada, you can give through Action International Ministries Corp. Please see information under Action Canada. You will receive a tax deductible receipt for your gift.
Action Canada
In the Canada, you can give through “Action International Ministries Corp.” and will receive a tax-deductible receipt . Please post your donation to:
Action International Ministries
3015A 21st NE, Calgary T2E 7T1
Phone: (403) 204-1421
Thank you.