India is a nation where we have tangibly seen how the Gospel has transformed lives, families and communities. The harvest is ripe in India. On our trips to India we have heard from local evangelists how they have been asked, “But why has no one come and told us about Jesus before?!” Last year we provided 32,000 New Testaments and tools for evangelism and discipleship to local churches. Some of them were used during children’s camps. For many of these children, this was the first Christian book they had received. Pentaiah, a disabled 13-year-old boy, received a copy of The King (illustrated Gospel of Mark) and said: “I have never been to school and I don’t have friends. No one has come to me and spoken with me like I would be a normal person. You spoke with me so nicely and gave me the comic book called The King. I will ask my sister to read it for me. Thank you for the gift. I never received such a gift before.”

A phenomenal church growth has taken place in Nepal over the past decades. In the late 60’s there were only a few hundred believers. Today there are close to one million believers! One of the biggest needs is discipleship material. Last year MediaServe visited Nepal and was able to provide more than 12,000 New Testaments and The Gate to Life (discipleship booklet). These were given to several local churches, especially those focusing on evangelism. One girl told Carolyn:“I have been a believer for one year. The Gate to Life has really helped me understand the meaning of the Bible. It helps me to be fully devoted to the Lord and worship the Lord. I am now sharing the Gospel with others.”

Last year over 10,000 Bibles and booklets for evangelism and discipleship were given to local churches and Messianic congregations. One congregation told us: “We would like to thank you for The Star of David Bibles. Yesterday our new believers were baptized in water. We were able to give them all one of your Bibles. This gift is precious for each of them, because many people in our country cannot afford to buy one.” A man from a rehab center in Ukraine told us: “My name is Anatoly. I used to be an addict. All my life I had a void inside me but I did not know why. When I received my first Bible (Star of David Bible) in my hands I was blessed. I opened it and started to read this book and realized that my previous life was not at all like it should have been. I am very grateful to the people who have blessed me with this book. It cannot even be called simply a book, because it is the Bible, it is the Word of God that shows me how to live and it leads me in my life.”

Although Scriptures are scarce and persecution against Christians is increasing, there’s an ongoing revival among the Hmong people living in China and Vietnam. 2,000 Hmong Bibles were provided in 2018. Our local partner that works among the Hmong people in China told us that the believers in China had been waiting to receive these Bibles for a long time!

The Lord opened a door for Bibles to be provided to religious students of another faith. These Bibles were eagerly received, even among some of their religious leaders. We are told that many times these students read the full New Testament within a couple of days and often memorize long passages, the book of James being a popular epistle. Last year we visited our partners in Myanmar and provided another 50,000 Bibles for Burma – an edition specially designed for this target group! God is drawing people to Himself – people we would never have expected to be interested in the Gospel!

More than 600,000 copies are NOW being printed:
India: 251,000 New Testaments, The King, The Gate to Life, The Secret of True Life
Iran: 5,000 The Gate to Life
Myanmar: 190,000 The Gate to Life, The Secret of True Life, The King
Ethiopia: 152,000 Bibles, New Testaments, The Gate to Life, The King
Israel: 7,000 New Testaments
Thailand: 10,000 The Gate to Life
If you would like to donate towards any of these projects please donate here